PowerPoint Live - Something "Powerful" for ELAC


I was in a classroom the other day observing a lesson. The teacher opened a PowerPoint presentation, and I immediately became "judgy." PowerPoint? Really? What are we in 2008? 

The teacher displayed an image similar to the banner above. Students quickly grabbed their phones and used their cameras to read the QR Code. Curious, I followed along. 

Instantly, my phone became an interactive tool. I was able to scroll through the slides and interact with the presentation. I know what you are thinking. Google Slides can do the same thing. You are correct. Keep reading.

While in presentation mode, users can select closed caption options and dictation in 67 languages. That's right! While the teacher talked, each device (smart phone, tablet, or laptop) can translate what the teacher is saying in the students' preferred language. See the image below.

Beyond supporting our ELs in the classroom, I saw immediate application for our parents during English Learner Advisory Committed (ELAC) meetings. 

Not everyone has access to PowerPoint Live through Office 365, but if you do, you will want to consider using this if you have students whose primary language is not English and during your ELAC meetings.

With this tool, you can potentially present to families in 67 different languages. This is incredible! 

Take a look at this tutorial to learn more. 

As always, leave a comment and share the good news!
